Willens & Baez Personal Injury Lawyers, P.C. Articles Cerebral Palsy - Preventing Brain Damage During Birth

Cerebral Palsy - Preventing Brain Damage During Birth

By Matthew Willens  Jun. 11, 2015 10:43a

There are various complications that can arise during childbirth, including oxygen deprivation in the baby.

Children who are deprived of oxygen during birth have an increased chance of suffering from birth injuries, including severe brain damage. The consequences of oxygen deprivation are varied as some children have decreased potential IQ as they grow, while others can have serious conditions like cerebral palsy or even death.

Reducing the Long-Term Effects of Oxygen Deprivation

A new study has been released by the New England Journal of Medicine which found that oxygen deprived babies who were cooled immediately after birth had decreased chances of long-term adverse effects of oxygen deprivation. The study was conducted on one set of babies who were placed on a cooling mat maintained at 33 degree centigrade for three days. The other set was a control group of babies who underwent treatment using traditional methods. The children of both the groups were re-examined after several years and their IQ scores, memory power, attention spans, and signs of disability were tested.

The results were quite astonishing. Of the group of babies who were placed on a cooling mat, 45 percent did not suffer from any brain injury at all compared to 28 percent of babies from the control group who were given traditional treatments. 21 percent of babies who were cooled developed cerebral palsy, compared to 36 percent of the control-group babies.

Oxygen Deprivation and Medical Negligence

Oxygen deprivation during birth is not an uncommon phenomenon. The authors of the study mentioned above claim that almost one in every 500 babies born suffer from oxygen deprivation. The reasons for oxygen deprivation vary from case to case. An unfortunate cause of oxygen deprivation is the failure of the doctors and nurses in doing their job properly. This puts the life of the baby in danger and can also affect the quality of life of the baby in future. The long-term effects of oxygen deprivation do not always show immediately and may become apparent much later in the child’s life. Such tragedies are devastating for the child as well as the family. The family of the child may want answers from the hospital, the doctors, and the nurses that may have been responsible for causing the birth injury to the child.

Chicago Cerebral Palsy Lawyer

If your child have sustained birth injuries and you believe that the injuries were caused due to the negligence of the doctor, your child may be entitled to receive monetary compensation for the damages. A Chicago cerebral palsy lawyer Willens can help you understand the laws and regulations for this type of injury and will ensure that your child's rights are protected and receive the deserved compensation.

Call a Matthew Willens Medical Malpractice Attorney Chicago today at (312) 957-4166 today.

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