Willens & Baez Personal Injury Lawyers, P.C. Articles Chicago Birth Injury Lawyer: Cerebral Palsy and Placenta Previa

Chicago Birth Injury Lawyer: Cerebral Palsy and Placenta Previa

By Matthew Willens  Feb. 5, 2016 10:42a

Cerebral Palsy is a disorder that can result out of a number of pregnancy related complications, either caused by accidental birth injuries, or a medical error during pregnancy, birth, or after delivery. Placenta Previa, a complication of pregnancy, can also cause Cerebral Palsy if it is not treated in time. In this post, our cerebral palsy lawyer Matt Willens will discuss this condition in detail.

Placenta Previa is said to occur if the placenta rests on the pregnant woman's cervix. Such an unnatural placement, causes bleeding or hemorrhaging through the pregnancy term and during the delivery procedure. The condition usually shows its first signs by way of vaginal bleeding in the latter part of the second trimester, or in the third trimester of pregnancy; if this happens a woman should consult her obstetrician, or go to the emergency room. Another indication is pre-term contractions or vaginal cramping.

Placenta Previa can severely threaten the life of the mother as well as the unborn child.

The importance of the Placenta

The Placenta plays an important role in pregnancy. It is a sac filled with amniotic fluid, which encases the fetus in the mother's womb. It delivers oxygen and nutrients to the unborn baby, as well as eliminates waste products through its bloodstream.

The placenta is usually attached to the upper part of the uterine wall. However, when the placenta attaches itself to the lower wall of the uterus, partially, or fully blocking the opening of the cervix, the condition is called 'Placenta Previa', posing a danger of severe bleeding or hemorrhaging.

What Causes placenta Previa?

A woman is at risk of developing Placenta Previa if –

  • She is over the age of 35
  • She has had previous surgical uterine procedure
  • She has an irregularly shaped uterus
  • Multiple births
  • Substance abuse before or during pregnancy
  • In Vitro fertilization process used for pregnancy

How to treat Placenta Previa

While the condition itself can be stressful for the expectant mother, there are ways an expectant woman diagnosed with Placenta Previa can safely carry her pregnancy to term.

Firstly, the mother is advised to discontinue any physical activity and take adequate rest until the completion of the term. Secondly, the doctor may recommend certain treatments based on the cause of the condition and will weigh the risks of early delivery versus continued bleeding. If there is any complication, however, doctors usually prefer emergency cesarean section to risking delivery complications.

There are cases where doctors failed to detect the condition of Placenta Previa in time, or fail to alleviate danger to the mother and/or the child, a medical malpractice lawsuit can then, protect the interests of the patient. Failure to diagnose or manage the condition in time can also cause cerebral palsy in the child. In such cases too, a birth injury lawsuit can be brought against the at-fault doctor. However, such cases are often complicated, and it would benefits victims to seek the services of a experienced Willens Birth Injury law firm to pursue a claim against the doctor at fault. Call (312) 957-4166 to schedule a free case evaluation with a top-rated Chicago birth injury attorney at Willens Law Offices.

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