Do I have grounds for a lawsuit ?
(asked 146 months, 30 days ago in Newberry, SC)
Baby was carried for nine months, was admitted to hospital and induced, heartbeat dropped and had to stop pushing. after pushing for over 3 hours baby had ambiblica cord around neck, did not survive, I asked for a c-section but was told the baby was too far down to do this.
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131 Madeira Avenue, Penthouse
Coral Gables SC 33134 Medical Malpractice Attorney in Miami, Florida (305) 221-1049
Mesa Law Firm
Medical Malpractice Attorney in Miami, Florida
I’m sorry about your loss. Birth injuries are often researched on a case by case basis, in order to determine if a negligent doctor or nurse is at fault. Depending on the circumstances of the birth, there is a possibility that you will have the right to compensation. Doctors and nurses are expected to do everything that they can to help their patients give birth to healthy and happy babies, and if they neglect that duty that may be grounds for a lawsuit. If there were signs that suggested that you should have had a C-section, and the doctors ignored those signs in favor of a natural birth, then you may be able to seek damages on this premise.
There are a variety of reasons that a child can be injured or killed by an umbilical cord during birth. Sometimes children will have a single umbilical artery, which can lead to birth defects. Because the doctors cannot change this developmental complication, they cannot be held responsible. There are also times that children are the victims of cord prolapse. This happens when the umbilical cord moves down the birth canal before the child, causing complications. This can cause a child to become a stillborn or can cause birth defects from the lack of oxygen to the brain. Normally, if a doctor notices that there is a cord prolapse he or she needs to perform a cesarean section immediately.
There are also birth complications stemming from nuchal cord. This occurs when a cord is wrapped around the baby’s neck. This actually happens in about 25 percent of all births, but the baby is generally free from harm. If you believe that the baby could have survived if the doctor had taken precautions, you also may be able to seek compensation. Talk to a medical malpractice attorney near you today for more details about your case. You will want to schedule a consultation soon and start in on the details of your case before you take any further action.
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