Are you searching for the representation of a medical malpractice attorney from Norman? If so, it may be beneficial to contact the Law Offices of Keith J. Nedwick, P.C. People go see doctors, dentists, surgeons, chiropractors, nurses, and pharmacists because they are expecting to receive effective health care treatment. When the patient instead grows more ill or becomes injured, the experience can be traumatic. Two types of medical malpractice that can be especially damaging are nursing home abuse and pharmacy negligence. Individuals go to nursing homes expecting to receive the optimal care, not to be abused or neglected. Some signs of nursing home abuse include unusual behavior changes, unexplained injuries, stained clothing, bedsores, poor hygiene, weight loss, dehydration, and malnutrition. Pharmacy negligence occurs when a pharmacist improperly administers medicine. At the Law Offices of Keith J. Nedwick, P.C., the team can help build a case that proves that the illness was a
direct result of the pharmacist's error. Medical malpractice is said to occur when a health care provider treats a patient in a manner that deviates from the medical standard of care. The issue with this definition is that it must be determined what the medical standard of care is under the specific circumstances, and you must be able to show how the defendant failed to provide treatment that was in line with that standard. Common issues that expose physicians to liability for medical malpractice claims include mistakes in treatment, improper diagnoses, and lack of informed consent. Typically, it takes an expert medical witness to testify as to the standard of care, and to examine the defendant's conduct against that standard. Regardless of how simple or complicated your situation may seem, do not try and work through it on your own. To see how a medical malpractice attorney from Norman may be able to assist you, contact the Law Offices of Keith J. Nedwick, P.C.