Willens & Baez Personal Injury Lawyers, P.C. Articles Chicago Medical Malpractice Lawyer: Deaths From Medical Errors in Illinois

Chicago Medical Malpractice Lawyer: Deaths From Medical Errors in Illinois

By Matthew Willens  Dec. 14, 2015 9:11a

As recent changes in health care policies has taught us, our medical system is complex, difficult to manage and often resistant to changes. Despite all of this, it still must be able to provide medical services for hundreds of thousands of patients a day. The services performed by various types of medical professionals, and the facilities in which they are working are critical for the health of Illinois residents. It is therefore disturbing to realize that a quick human error can end a life in an instant.

If you believe that the loss of a loved one was caused by a preventable error, contact an Matt Willens malpractice attorney. With a thorough investigation, they could find the truth behind your loved one’s treatment and help you in filing a claim for compensation on their behalf.

The Basic Services Provided by the Health Care Industry

The health care industry is responsible for essential services designed to keep us well, and treat us when we are not. These services include:

  • Doctor’s offices and clinics, where preventive care is provided and basic treatment administered for the sick.

  • An emergency room setting where critically ill and injured patients are examined and treated as quickly as possible. At times, further hospitalization is necessary.

  • In hospitals, where doctors and other medical staff are able to treat serious illnesses and injuries using a wide range of highly sophisticated medical equipment.

In each of these settings, there are a series of checks and balances in place to ensure the health and safety of patients. Even so, it is reported that over a 1,000 Americans are dying every day as a result of a preventable medical error.

Medical Errors and Claims for Medical Malpractice

Physicians and medical personnel are allowed a certain amount of room when it comes to making an honest mistake. No one is perfect all of the time, and the Illinois courts recognize that in some cases a mistake, while tragic, is not necessarily malpractice.

Preventable errors on the other hand are not condoned. This are the types of errors that could have easily been prevented had proper protocol and basic principles of care had been followed. An instrument or gauze left inside of a surgical incision for example, or the amputation of the wrong limb because of a misread chart. These types of errors cannot be overlooked, and as a victim of one, you should be compensated for any additional medical expense incurred.

Talk with a Willens Law Offices medical malpractice to find out if your loved one’s passing was an innocent mistake or gross negligence. If the courts find that the cause of your additional injury was preventable, you will be rewarded with a monetary compensation for your pain and suffering.

Call (312) 957-4166 today for a free consultation with a wrongful death lawyer.

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