Featured News 2013 Woman Sues Planned Parenthood for Medical Malpractice and Forced Abortion

Woman Sues Planned Parenthood for Medical Malpractice and Forced Abortion

Planned Parenthood is an establishment that was founded as a way for woman to seek refuge after becoming pregnant when they were not hoping to do so. Whether it was offering the morning after pill, performing the abortion, or helping them receive the counseling they need in their time of hardship. According to news reports, one woman named Ayanna Byer went to Planned parenthood for help, and while originally planning on receiving an abortion, she decided and told the abortionist that she wanted to keep the baby after all. Despite her request to keep the child, the doctor decided to continue on with the procedure therefore ending the babies life, and chance to be born.

However, the doctor recalls that Byer was crying form a lot of pain during the procedure so they stopped in the process, and then sent her home with antibiotics and medication for the pain she experienced. Unfortunately, the problems did not end there, she later on began to experience even more pain as well as other complications from the abortion procedure. Byer was forced to go to the hospital to receive care for her medical concerns, and she learned that she would require surgery to help her. The surgeon noticed right away that something was very wrong with the patient, and accused Planned Parenthood of neglecting and abandoning their patient.

In the 70's Roe v. Wade was passed as a means of allowing woman to have freedom over their own body, and the right to decide whether or not they can keep their baby in the event of a pregnancy, however it is not unheard of that woman experience complications after these life altering procedures. When Byer walked in the doors of Planned Parenthood she expected to take an abortion pill in order to stop the pregnancy, and what she received was far from her intent. Primarily in this case, she had changed her mind about wanting the baby's life to be ended. Not only that, but the surgeon performed an abortion procedure that she had never agreed to.

Planned Parenthood claims that when the victim entered the premises for the pill to end the pregnancy they told her that she would have to have the surgical procedure done because she was too far along in her pregnancy. She agreed to this as long as she could receive the IV anesthesia in order to mask the pain. However the nurses were unable to start the IV and the surgeon immediately jumped into the procedure despite Byer's cry's for him to stop. She explicitly told the doctor that she no longer wanted the abortion because there was no pain medication. She determined that this happening was a sign that she should keep her baby.

Sadly, the doctor failed to listen to the patient and he told the victim that it was too late for him to stop the procedure. Writhing in pain the doctor finally stopped because of her cries 7 minutes later. He apologized and gave her pain medications and sent her home. What is shocking is that Planned Parenthood never followed up. At this time, the victim has filed a lawsuit for medical malpractice due to her treatment from Planned Parenthood and the forced abortion they made her undergo without anesthesia. As with any malpractice case, the defendants are doing whatever they can to fight the complaints and prove that they were not in the wrong for their actions.

If you or someone you know has been a victim of medical malpractice, do not hesitate in contacting an attorney in your area to help you seek the compensation you deserve.

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