Willens & Baez Personal Injury Lawyers, P.C. Articles Was Your Infant Born with Broken Bones? - Chicago Birth Injuries Lawyer

Was Your Infant Born with Broken Bones? - Chicago Birth Injuries Lawyer

By Matthew Willens  Aug. 24, 2016 7:22a

It is not uncommon for infants to be born with broken bones. Our birth injury lawyer Matthew Willens explains that broken bone injuries can occur due to various reasons during childbirth. For example, infants who are delivered rapidly because of signs of fetal distress such as hypoxia may suffer a broken collarbone. In most cases, the fracture is minor, and is a small price that is paid to avert other life threatening complications. It is important that the doctor informs the parents of the broken bone, so that they can care for it and make sure that it heals properly. However, in some cases, broken bones are severe enough to cause permanent disability or even death of the infant.

Symptoms of Broken Bones in Infants

Broken bones are not easily identifiable, because the baby is not able to tell where the pain is coming from. Here are some signs to watch out for:

  • Obvious signs of pain, such as constant crying
  • Inability to move the broken limb
  • Swelling around the broken bone

Symptoms of Infant Fractures

Clavicle fractures are the most common injuries, and normally occur after a stressful birth. Some common signs of clavicle fracture in an infant are:

  • Little or no movement in the affected area, generally the arm on the side of the fracture
  • Crying when the affected area is moved or touched
  • A lump in the affected area, which usually appears a few weeks after the injury
  • The affected side of the shoulder may appear to droop

Symptoms of bones fractures in any of the limbs include

  • Inability to move the affected limb
  • Pain, swelling, redness, bruising in the affected area
  • Deformity in the affected area

Was the broken bone injury preventable?

Broken bones and fractures that occur during childbirth can often be prevented with careful medical care during labor and childbirth. Many times, the most important preventable measure is for the doctor to detect maternal or fetal distress and order an emergency C-section, because a large percentage of babies who are born with broken bones were under distress during delivery.

For example, if the baby is too small to pass through the cervix successfully, the doctor may use the birth assisting tools such as forceps with too much force. This can increase the risk of bruises and broken bones, and the baby may also develop brachial plexus. Most of these complications can often be prevented by performing an emergency C-section. Injuries may also result if careless or inexperienced medical staff holds or handles the baby improperly from the limbs or neck.

Broken bones can be serious and require urgent medical intervention. The doctors may use splints, traction and medication to treat the broken bones. In case of severe injuries, surgery may be required.

Seeking legal help

If you think that your child’s broken bone injury was preventable, you should immediately get in touch with a qualified Matt Willens medical malpractice lawyer who will help you claim adequate financial compensation for the child’s injury and suffering. The attorneys at Willens Law Offices have a proven track record of helping victims of medical malpractice recieve full compensation for their loses. Discuss your claim for free with a compassionate, experienced attorney today at (312) 957-4166.

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