Featured News 2012 Pedophile Pediatrician Lawsuit Settled in Delaware

Pedophile Pediatrician Lawsuit Settled in Delaware

You can imagine a family’s embarrassment and outrage when they discovered that pediatrician Earl Bradley had been sexually abusing his young patients for over a decade. The doctor was well known in Delaware for treating sick children, but parents never suspected that he was also using them for his own personal pleasures behind closed doors. When no one was looking, Bradley would give into his pedophiliac tendencies and abuse the children that were entrusted into his care. Victims and their parents rose up against Bradley when they discovered that he had been harming their children all along. Finally, the state of Delaware has imposed a $123 million settlement on Bradley, who will need to pay the money into a trust which will be divided among the rape victims. Bradley is currently in jail where he has been sentenced with 14 life sentences for child rape.

The victims fund will be comprised mostly of insurance proceeds, but will also include cash contributions from the Beebe Medical Center where Bradley was employed for so many years. The settlement resolves all claims against the defendants, which include Bradley, the hospital that employed him, and other affiliated parties. Personal injury and medical malpractice attorneys that represented the victims say that some parties are satisfied with the settlement, though money will never satisfy the hurt and shame that the children were caused at Bradley’s hands. Others are fighting for more damages for the psychological pain and suffering that they have had to endure.

The Superior Court scheduled a November 13th hearing where they will review the case and determine whether or not the settlement is fair. The plan submitted to the court provides for claimants to be separated into categories. These categories separate the victims who need further therapy from those that were less affected by the ordeal. For example, a family member that was involved in the case does not nearly the same amount of compensation as a child who was molested by Bradley in the hospital. Also, Bradley only abused or molested some children, while actually raping others. According to the settlement, no matter what category the children are in they will receive the same settlement. However, the categories will determine whether or not their families deserve money as well.

The fund will be administered by a Pennsylvania judge who has served as the settlement arbitrator n the Catholic Diocese of Wilmington’s bankruptcy and settlements after the pedophile priest lawsuits. A pediatrician and child forensic scientist will help Rutter in administration the settlements. As for Bradley, he was arrested in December 2009 after a young girl complained about the doctor after an office visit. The child said that the doctor had hurt her during the check-up. The suspicious mother reported the concern to investigators, who discovered scores of child pornography videos in Bradley’s office. There were also some videos which were of Bradley himself molesting his patients.

The horrifying videos led to Bradley’s arrest and conviction. Bradley waived his right to a jury trial because the judge denied a motion to suppress the video evidence. The Delaware Supreme Court upheld Bradley’s conviction just last month after he asked for an appeal and argued that the evidence was seized without a search warrant. Bradley’s defenders have refused to appeal the case again. The investigations also led to criticism of the state medical board. Allegedly, the medical board was suspicious of Bradley but did not take any action against him. State lawmakers have since published several bills tightening hospital regulations and clarifying obligations of the medical community to report physician misconduct. If you or your child has been victim of physician sex abuse, then you need to hire a medical malpractice attorney today. You deserve to seek compensation for the suffering and shame that you have had to endure at the hands of an unprofessional and offensive physician.

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