Featured News 2018 80% of Cerebral Palsy Costs Are Non-Medical

80% of Cerebral Palsy Costs Are Non-Medical

Roughly 10,000 children will develop cerebral palsy this year—statistically, about 8,000 of them already have. Caused by damage to the cerebellum or the basal ganglia (areas of the brain that control mobility), CP presents as a severe motor disability. Almost 2/3 children with CP also had an additional developmental or intellectual disability and are 7 times more likely to have autism than children without CP.

While cerebral palsy doesn't get progressively worse, the challenges your child faces will shift as they get older. The Centers for Disease Control reported that people with CP are facing lifelong costs of nearly $1 million over their lifetime—80% of which are from indirect non-medical costs, which are not covered by health insurance.

Indirect costs include:

  • Loss of productivity
  • Limitation in the workplace
  • Unemployment
  • Premature mortality

One paper noted that people with cerebral palsy were 22 times less likely to find gainful employment, even if they had no intellectual disability. The expenses listed here do not include expenses that parents face—which could include ER visits, lost employment or diminished earning capacity due to caring for your child, and medical care that isn't covered by your policy.

In summary:

Your child is facing a lifetime of difficulty finding independence through employment or self-sufficiency, even if they overcome their mobility issues or have only minor intellectual disabilities. You may also find yourself struggling to maintain financial independence—especially when you can anticipate $736,000 in lifelong costs that aren't covered by medical insurance.

Thankfully, financial assistance is available. The government offers programs, tax credits, and other forms of assistance to families dealing with a long-term disability. There are also private organizations available to help, including community-based programs and charities that offer support.

For about 20% of children with CP, there is another option: a medical malpractice claim. Roughly 1 in 5 cerebral palsy cases are the result of a birth injury, half of which are preventable. If your child was the victim of medical negligence, they may be entitled to damages that would cover their lifelong costs and losses.

Our site contains a database of the most renowned and effective medical malpractice attorneys nationwide—if you're considering a medical malpractice lawyer, then start here.

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