Featured News 2012 Should you be Concerned About Your Doctor?

Should you be Concerned About Your Doctor?

It is inevitable that you will fall ill at some point in your life, and you want to have a professional and trustworthy doctor at your side. But what if you and your doctor don’t work well together, or don’t get along? Should you be concerned? According to the US News & World Report, you most certainly should be concerned. Staying with a doctor that you don’t like could end up harming your health. Some people are difficult to get along with, but if you and your doctor are at odds, you may want to search for a new physician. Doctors are humans too, and may want to get revenge on a crabby patient by failing to give him or her correct diagnosis.

If your doctor spouts commands and fails to listen when you bring up a concern, then you should look for a new physician. You want to meet with someone that you can trust to help you get better from whatever is ailing you. Some patients like doctors who are blunt and direct, while others like doctors who probe and ask lots of questions. Discover which personality works best with yours and then choose a doctor that reflects those qualities that you value. No one feels comfortable with a condescending doctor, so if you are not satisfied with your physician then think about seeking a new medical contact.

Find a doctor that you be comfortable with. If you would prefer a doctor of the same gender as you, then you should request this preference. If you would prefer a doctor in a different age bracket, then you can also request this as well. Admittedly, we confide a lot in our doctors. We have to often tell them embarrassing details about our health and bodies. You want a physician that you feel comfortable talking about personal subjects with in order to get the best help possible.

Make sure you have a doctor who is willing to listen to you. When you have concerns, or have done research and believe that you have the same symptoms as a serious illness, a good doctor will listen and evaluate your opinion. A good doctor won’t wave your concerns away, and simply prescribe medications to take away the pain. Instead, he or she should carefully consider what you say, thinking about the illnesses you suspect you have and performing tests if necessary. A doctor that doesn’t listen is not a doctor that you want to rely on.

If you feel that your doctor doesn’t respect your time, then you may want to find a new medical person as well. This is because you should never feel like you’re being rushed. Your life may be at stake, and you want to feel you have the time to ask questions, probe for answers, and explore options. A doctor who simply wants to get in and out of your room and move on to the next patient probably isn’t concerned about your welfare, and isn’t worth keeping around.

If your doctor won’t give you concrete answers when you are sure that he is aware of those answers, then you need to consider switching physicians. A doctor should be open and thorough about why he wants you to take a test or undergo a treatment. You shouldn’t have to take his word for it, because your physician should be able to provide you with solid reasons for the methods he or she has suggested. Your health is too important to feel confused or uninformed. Doctors that use too much medical jargon or use a “because I said so” approach to doctoring are not worth your time.

If the office staff at the hospital or doctor’s office that you go to is unprofessional, then you may want to switch as well. Some staff are only there to work their hours and leave. They won’t give your messages to your physician, tell you about the side effects of a new medication, or care about your symptoms. These people are not worth your time either, and you should find a doctor who has a staff that cares about the patients. If you don’t make sure that you have the best doctor for you, you may end up in a medical malpractice dilemma. Sloppy or uncaring doctors can misdiagnose patients, over medicate them, or make crucial mistakes during a procedure. If you were harmed by medical malpractice, then talk to a medical malpractice lawyer right away. You deserve to seek compensation for your injuries!

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