Featured News 2012 Your Rights as a Clinical Research Study Participant

Your Rights as a Clinical Research Study Participant

Doctors and scientists are constantly trying to perfect their use of medicines and invent new prescriptions that are more effective and have less side effects. In order to make sure that their new formulas are useful, they often want to try them out on people. Yet doctors are not allowed to test unapproved medicines on any patient that comes into the hospital. Instead, the Association of Clinical Research Professionals recruits men and women to participate in clinical studies. Usually the participants receive some sort of compensation for their services. This can be in the form of a payment, gift card, or another sort of reward.

You may be wondering, is it worth it to participate in a clinical trial? According to the ACRP, some people get involved to further their knowledge of the medical field. Others want to serve the medical community by helping doctors to discover new treatments, and volunteer for this cause. Some people suffer from a disease with no known treatments, and will try anything to get better. They may allow doctors to issue new medications to them in hopes that it will help them recover.

The ACRP warns people that if they are only participating in a research project for money, it is not worth it. While you will probably get some compensation, it is usually not much. If you do not have a second reason to be involved, the ACRP suggests that you avoid contributing. When you participate in the clinical trial, there is no guarantee that you will receive any medical treatment. Even if you do receive treatment, it may be ineffective, or have side-effect. The ACRP reminds participants that they may be a part of a control group that is given a placebo, so they may never even get to experience the medication being tested.

If you choose to be a part of a clinical trial, it is important that you are aware of your rights. As a volunteer, you can minimize your exposure to risk. The researchers are supposed to use all sorts of tests to make sure that you will not be at risk to health problems as a result of the study. You also have the right of informed consent. The people who created the study must get your consent in writing before you can undergo a test. As well, they must inform you of all possible known risks. You must be given a copy of the document you signed in case of a future problem.

You also have the right to be assured that your participation is only voluntary. You should not be pressured to be in the research project in anyway. As well, you have the right to assume any risks that you might be exposed to. This means that you will undertake the treatments knowing that there are risks involved that the doctors may not know about. You must personally evaluate the risks next to the benefits of participating in the study and choose whether or not it is worth it to you. As well, you have the right to protect your privacy during the study.

When the study is over, you can protect your privacy in the data by asking for the control group to keep your name confidential. The sponsor and the FDA have the right to access information about the product from you, but they will not be able to identify you by name. The IRBs are required to make sure that no one ever feels compelled to participate in one of these studies. Children are not allowed to partake without their consent and the consent of their parents.

Impoverished peoples, mentally disabled persons, physically infirmed individuals, and poorly educated men and women should never be compelled to participate in a study. As well, the government makes sure that members of the military, prison inmates, and institutionalized people are never compelled to join in a study. By being aware of your rights, you will be on a better path to safe medical practice. If a disaster does strike from a clinical study, look to see if the mistake violated one of your rights. If it did, speak with a medical malpractice attorney.

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