Featured News 2013 24 Year Old Dies after Wisdom Tooth Removal

24 Year Old Dies after Wisdom Tooth Removal

Shocking news struck the city of Marietta, California last month when a 24 year old went in for a routine procedure to remove his wisdom teeth and died after medical complications just three days after. According to reports during the oral surgery he began coughing and then went into cardiac arrest while getting the teeth removed. The dentist office reports that they complied with all of the regulations when there is a medical concern during an oral surgery and the patient was sent to UCLA Medical Center for treatment, where he died just a few days later.

The autopsy is planned to be conducted for this week, so at this time the investigators can only speculate as to what the problems could have been. The procedure took place on March 21 and he died on the 24th. What concerns the family is the fact that prior to this tooth extraction appointment, their son had never had a history of medical conditions and they believed he was in full health at the time the incident occurred. When investigating the reports from the days happenings, the family learned that there was gauze discovered to be wedged in his air passage, though whether this had anything o do with the medical problems during the procedure is uncertain. As a result of this, the family is very concerned with the treatment their son received from this oral surgeon.

The lawyer representing the doctor claims that he has a strong reputation in his community and that every dentist procedure has its risks; and that the death cannot be pointed back to him because he followed all of the necessary steps once he became ill. Whether this is true is not certain, though the family is hesitant to believe that their son died out of thin air. Believe it or not dental malpractice is a very common occurrence, and is similar to that of a medical malpractice case because it often involves a person who is negligent or otherwise careless in their care for patients. While many may not think the dentist office can have deadly results, think again. When a medical profession (in this case a dentist) fails to abide in the standard level of care in any way they may be subject to a lawsuit for malpractice if not wrongful death.

Medical dental malpractice can occur in various circumstances. If the dentist or surgeon somehow does not properly perform the procedure it can often times result in a person experiencing excruciating pain or being overly medicated. For example, say they schedule and sedate you for your teeth extraction and then they want to give you implants, and yet during the surgery they realize you bones are not strong enough to hold the implants so you are then required to go to future appointments and pay more money, waiting for a way to get teeth. A technical failure is also included if the dentist or oral surgeon somehow wrongly uses a tool and then injures the patient.

When dealing with teeth, we realize how essential it is to address a problem in due time or else the concern can spread causing more bacteria and worse problems in the long run. If a dentist fails to diagnose your condition and it results in severe or permanent injury, you may be able to file a claim against them. Even after a procedure, many times you will need a treatment plan to make sure that your mouth is health and responding well to what was done. When the dentist fails to do so, it can result in post-surgery infections and even the loss of one or more teeth as a result.

In some cases you will receive a diagnosis and the dentist may be completely wrong. In many situations you will have ended up spending a signify ant amount of money that you did not need, and if may have also resulted in further dental concerns because it never addressed the real issue. Foreign materials left in the mouth or throat are not uncommon either, and while it can lead to potential choking; there are some materials that if left in the mouth can result in toxic exposure in your body. An example would be if they gave or removed a filing made of mercury, if this is left in your mouth you could potential be poisoned by it.

The list of possibilities goes on and on, and if you believe in any way that your injury is a result of dental malpractice, contacts a medical malpractice attorney in your area today!

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