Featured News 2013 A Medical Malpractice Doctor Speaks Up

A Medical Malpractice Doctor Speaks Up

A disturbing scandal occurred in 2009 that involved a doctor who was infected with Hepatitis C, who spread her disease numerous patients, and placed at least 4,700 people at risk. Knowing about her disease and its highly infectious nature, Dr. Sherry Gorman was a scrub technician with a very serious drug addiction problem. According to reports this woman would steal syringes of fentanyl, a narcotic that was highly potent, and would inject her in secret. However, the shocking news does not stop there, after using these drugs for her own personal gain and addiction, she would then in turn use her contaminated needles on her patients. The Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment investigated her case and claimed that because of her actions thousands of individuals lives were laced at risk of this deadly and infectious disease that Gorman carried.

Naturally many lawsuits arose out of this tragic happening, and as a result her lawyers forced her to keep silent about the happenings of any of the cases. As a result, Dr. Gorman felt alone more than ever and she was left to deal with her mixed emotions on her own; feeling torn between anger, guilt, humiliation, and grief. As many struggling people will do in a time of need and desperation, they will turn to their pen and paper, or in some cases computer document and begin journaling their experiences and feelings as a sort of outlet for their pain. This is what Dr. Gorman did, she documented her entire journey of this situation as what she claims to be a very real and personal hell that she walked through.

In her personal documents she wanted to specifically talk about what it was like to go through a medical malpractice lawsuit as a factor. By her doing so went against the very nature of the doctor, and their code of silence that many would encourage abiding by. It is said that when a doctor goes through a lawsuit, they ought to never discuss the details of it; and she did just the opposite. As a result of this, under a pseudonym Kate O' Reilly, Dr. Gorman penned the fictitious novel of her journey. The book is entitled "it's Nothing Personal" and it is her attempt to discuss the injustice of the judicial system and show that doctors are wronged when sued for medical malpractice, claiming that the price they are forced to pay is far too high. However, this book is stated to give readers a closer look at the world of medical malpractice and open their eyes to the unknown.

Sadly medical malpractice, like the acts that this doctor committed are not uncommon; and as a result many people are being injured, made ill, and even killed on a regular basis. Medical malpractice is the negligent and careless act of a medical professional of any level who chooses to not administer the high standard of care and treatment that the patients deserve. Whether it is a lab technician, a nurse, a surgeon or any one in between; there is a level of professionalism that is expected for the wellbeing of the patients, and when that is not adhered to, people suffer—sometimes greatly.

In the event that you or a loved one have been a victim of any form of medical malpractice, know that it is in your right to file a lawsuit and seek both justice and compensation for the wrongs that were done against you. As a patient you deserve the highest form of care and caution, and when those needs and requirements are not met there are disastrous results at your own expense. Do not be a victim any longer, contact a medical malpractice attorney in your area immediately for the legal assistance you deserve!

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