Featured News 2013 Anesthesia Errors in Hospitals

Anesthesia Errors in Hospitals

When you are going into surgery, it is natural to be nervous about the anesthesia treatments. There are three different types of anesthesia and all of them are used to reduce feeling and keep patients comfortable during potentially painful procedures. In some cases, patients are given local anesthesia. This is normally administered as a shot or in a gel or cream form. The anesthesia is enough to numb the surgery site, but will not put the patient under. This type of anesthesia is commonly used in dental practice and dermatology procedures. In most cases, local anesthesia is harmless. The largest threat or danger with local anesthesia is the possibility of putting too little and causing a patient to endure pain as the operation or procedure is done.

The second type of anesthesia that is used in operations is called regional anesthesia. This is a stronger type of pain-numbing that can be used to numb an entire part of the body. The patient is still awake using this type of anesthesia, but is not able to feel anything. An epidural, which is used when an individual is giving birth, is a type of regional anesthesia which numbs the entire lower part of the body for the birthing process.

The last and most dangerous type of anesthesia is called general anesthesia. This is the medication that is most commonly abused and can come with devastating results, Many times, anesthesia is administered intravenously or with a gas mask. Using too much of the anesthesia can result in serious complications. Sometimes, patients have fallen into a comatose state after suffering from an anesthesia error. Anesthesiologists can often be held accountable for their mistakes.

Sometimes, these anesthesiologists will choose the wrong drug, or give a drug to a patient that is allergic. There are also times that the anesthesiologist may fail to intubate the medication, or may fail to use machines correctly. In some cases, anesthesiologists will fail to watch a patient's vital signs like they are expected to do. There are times that phsyicians will shut off the alarm on the pulse oximeter, and this can led to a tragic medical complications.

Sometimes, when a patient is under medication with the anesthesia they will wake up during surgery. This can lead to traumatic experiences if an individual can feel the pain of the operation or sees the blood on his or her body. Sometimes individuals can be compensation for their physical and emotional damages in this situation because they are supposed to be able to trust that the anesthesia will keep them from feeling any pain.

In other medical malpractice instances an anesthesiologist or doctor may fail to warn the patient of instructions regarding the procedure. Anesthesia can react with some drugs. Patients should be briefed on what substances they need to stay away from and what they must do to prepare for surgery. Sometimes anesthesiologists will even use a broken piece of equipment to administer anesthesia. In the past, some individuals have been paralyzed or fallen into a comatose state after a defective machine allowed for too much anesthesia.

This medication can be debilitating and cause severe side effects when given in too strong of doses. All anesthesiologists need to carefully review a patient's file before administering this strong medication. There are times that a patient may only need a small amount of the medicine, or other individuals may need a larger dose in order to stay asleep. Contact a medical malpractice attorney near you today if you want more information about anesthesia errors or want to seek compensation from a physician who caused you to suffer severe injury.

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