Featured News 2013 Birth Control Lawsuits

Birth Control Lawsuits

If you have been injured by a defective or dangerous birth control, then you have the right to seek compensation from the pharmaceutical company that created the pull or from the physician that knowingly prescribed you a harmful medication. There are a variety of different birth controls that are commonly targeted in medical malpractice lawsuits because of serious side effects.

Many of these lawsuits target the birth controls under the label Yaz, Yasmin, or Ocella. These birth controls are all chemically similar, and are all oral contraceptives. They are all similar in that they are "fourth generation" pills. These differ from second and third generation oral contraceptives that contain alternate hormones. Yaz, Yasmin and Ocella all contain drospirenone.

This is a synthetic hormone that can increase a woman's blood potassium to dangerous high levels, and can cause injuries to the kidneys, gall bladder, heart or pancreas. Currently, women who have suffered cardiac complications, strokes, pulmonary embolisms, kidney failure, or gallbladder disease can file a lawsuit against Bayer, Barr Laboratories, Inc. or Berlex Laboratories.

Also, some women have chosen to sue NuvaRing for this birth control which has been known to cause serious blood clots that can lead to injury or death. The NuvaRing is a once-a-month contraceptive that was introduced by Organon Pharmaceuticals in 2001.Many women say that they have suffered pulmonary embolism, deep vein thrombosis, or another blood clot even though they were previously very healthy before taking the contraceptive. Others say that they suffered a stroke or a heart attack, and in some situations families will litigate against NuvaRing companies because their loved one suffered sudden death.

NuvaRing is considered a "third generation" birth control and uses etonogestral to regulate a woman's hormones and minimize the possibility of pregnancy. Manufacturers of the product failed to warn patients about the potential of NuvaRing blood clot side effects which have caused permanent and life-threatening injuries for women all throughout the United States.

Another dangerous birth control is known as Mirena IUD. An information center explains that this inserted birth control method can result in infection, abscesses, uterine perforation, or the inability to conceive after using the device. The plastic device was created by Bayer Pharmaceuticals and this company is now being targeted with lawsuits regarding the dangerous product. Most of the Mirena complications can only be corrected by surgery and the device can permanently eliminate a person's ability to conceive a child.

Ortho Evra is another birth control that has been targeted in medical malpractice and dangerous drug lawsuits in the past. This is a patch that has been named in lawsuits since 2005 because of the drug's association with strokes and thrombosis. Plaintiffs say that information about the dangers of thrombosis and strokes were not listed on the birth control label.

If you have been injured by medical complications related to a birth control method, then you need to hire a local personal injury or medical malpractice lawyer. With the right attorney on your side, you may be able to litigate against the company that produced your medication and receive a settlement that will cover your medical bills, time off of work, and even the punitive damages for emotional distress associated with your illness.

Birth controls often risk the side effects and potential consequences of the medication on the label. If a pharmaceutical company downplays the risks associated with the medication, then this is a violation of FDA standards. If the FDA finds the company guilty of deceptive labeling or negligent labeling, then your case will have even more merit. Make sure to report your injuries or illness to the FDA in addition to contacting a lawyer to help you with your case!

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