Featured News 2013 Fosamax Proposes $27.7M Settlement for Plaintiffs

Fosamax Proposes $27.7M Settlement for Plaintiffs

Fosamax is an osteoporosis drug that is made of bisphosphonate and is manufactured by Merck & Company. It is also known as alendronate sodium. The drug is typically issued to men and women who suffer from osteoporosis, and women specifically use the drug when they develop this condition following menopause. In some cases, the drug has been approved for use to treat Paget's disease. The medication is supposed to prevent the breakdown of bone that is common with osteoporosis and increase bone density so that the bones are stronger and won't break as easily. The drug was approved for use for this purpose by the FDA in 2009.

The drug has a devastating side effect, which has affected thousands of plaintiffs who have sued Merck & Company for compensation because of the defective drug. The plaintiffs all claim that the drug caused bones in their jaws to deteriorate. The condition has been labeled Osteonecrosis of the Jaw or (ONJ.) It is also commonly called "jaw death." In this condition, the jaw slowly crumbles and dies. The illness causes severe pain and can result in loose teeth, exposed bone, and loss of function.

As a result, victims become disfigured. The jaw condition can restrict their ability to eat and their ability to even communicate clearly. ONJ can result in devastating and permanent lifestyle changes. This is why all plaintiffs want significant compensation from Merck & Company for allowing the drug to be sold on the market despite its very harmful side effect. According to reports, doctors believe that the benefits of Fosamax outweigh the risks in almost all situations. Many hospitals say that they will continue prescribing this medicine to their patients due to the benefits that it can bring.

According to reports, there are more than 4,100 outstanding cases pending against the creators of Fosamax. The company's proposed settlement allots $27.7M to be divided among 1,200 plaintiffs that have been injured as a result of the medication. The settlement would resolve a large portion of the liability cases that Merck is facing. Still, there will still be thousands of individuals waiting for compensation after suffering this condition. The settlement was announced at a court hearing in New York, and says that it will resolve lawsuits that are pending in federal and state courts. The terms of the settlement were not disclosed at the hearing.

Victims are encouraged to join a class action lawsuit seeking compensation for injuries and punitive damages if they have similar symptoms to other plaintiffs regarding ONJ. Other devastating side effects have also been connected with Fosamax, but many of these are not being pursued in class action lawsuits at present. These side effects include difficulty when swallowing or pain when swallowing, the swilling of the eyes, face, lips, tongue or throat after ingestion, mouth sores, itching, chest pain, vomiting, flu-like symptoms, fever, muscle pain, heartburn, or hives. The medication can also produce milder side effects like constipation, diarrhea, nausea, or pain in bones, muscles and joints.

The FDA says that the osteoporosis drug is currently under scrutiny for causing many bone-related medical conditions. Some patients have argued that the drug has caused femur fractures that are unusual or that use of the drug has resulted in severe musculoskeletal pain. If you have suffered the severe side effects of Fosamax, don't hesitate to hire a medical malpractice lawyer to work on your case immediately. You will want to jump in quickly while Merck & Co is working through claims if you want to try and get a satisfactory settlement. Hire a local firm today!

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