Featured News 2013 The Danger of Illegal Cosmetic Injections

The Danger of Illegal Cosmetic Injections

A lot of unlicensed alleged physicians will try to make a quick buck by providing illegal plastic surgery procedures to willing patients. While illegal plastic surgery is a case of medical malpractice, many of these phsyicians swindle their patients into agreeing to the procedures before they realize that the doctor has no training to do the performance.

Currently, the American Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons claims that the amount of individuals giving out illegal cosmetic procedures is on the rise. Many illegal physicians will give out Botox injections or dermal fillers, assuming that because the injections are "simple" they will be able to do them without any patients discovering that they are not properly trained. Unfortunately, one simply mistake can make a cosmetic injection go drastically wrong. USA Today recently ran a report about the number of illegal plastic surgery injection procedures and investigated factors that may be behind the increase.

One of the most popular illegal injections at present is buttock injections. Many doctors or individuals posing as doctors are offering buttock injections to patients despite the fact that they do not have the training for this type of procedure. The USA Today report says women are particularly vulnerable to these medical malpractice schemes. Many individuals want to improve their appearance, but don't want to pay the high costs that are generally associated with plastic surgery.

Therefore, they choose to use an underground and illegal doctor to provide them with the look that they want. Unfortunately, many of these untrained physicians aren't aware of how to properly perform the techniques, and may use the wrong materials. In many cases individuals will use silicone injections for a buttock lift, resulting in infections, deformities or severe pain. People have died from illegal buttock injections in Florida, Pennsylvania, New York, Nevada, Alabama, and Georgia.

An interior decorator in Mississippi is currently facing trial in the deaths of the two women who were injected at her house and did not survive. Doctors and authorities say that they are seeing cases of illegal injection surgeries more often in recent years. Online forums used to set up illegal procedures have attracted thousands of responses in recent years, and authorities are monitoring some of these forums because of the injuries and deaths that occur.

One woman in California says that she was searching for a plastic surgeon that could give her a buttock lift when she located a woman who said that she offered independent surgeries for individuals. The patient visited the alleged physician at her house, where she was given silicone injections. The surgery site became hard and painful, and the woman went to a professional physician asking for a removal of the materials. She eventually suffered a serious staph infection from the silicone, and both of her hands and feet had to be amputated as a result.

In other cases, individuals have died after they have been injected with too much of the silicone. Part of the reason that illegal buttock injections have become so popular is because the practice is actually illegal. Most physicians will not perform injections of this nature. They will only offer implants which cost around $5,000. Injections may be cheaper, but the side-effects are wide ranging and can be devastating. Silicone can cause blood clots or the injections can spread, running to other parts of the body and causing nodules to form. If you have become the victim of a medical malpractice situation like this one with plastic surgery silicone injections, make sure to hire a medical malpractice attorney near you to seek compensation in your case!

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