Featured News 2013 Tulsa Dentist Exposes 7,000 Patients to Hepatitis and HIV

Tulsa Dentist Exposes 7,000 Patients to Hepatitis and HIV

While we often hear of medical malpractice cases happening in places like hospitals and nursing homes, we tend to forget that malpractice is not just for those who are seeking treatment for a physical illness from a physician or surgeon; it can happen at the dentists as well. This was the case for thousands of victims in Tulsa, Oklahoma who have learned that they have been exposed to the life altering diseases of hepatitis and HIV from their physician's careless actions. Investigators show that this Tulsa dentist, Dr. Scott Harrington, used countless dirty needles on his patients who were undergoing oral surgery; and so far there are at least 60 people who have now tested positive for either hepatitis (57 have hepatitis C, 3 hepatitis B) and one victim of HIV.

One of the attorneys representing victims shares that this news has shocked their community, particularly over the fact that a person of his profession would willingly choose to be so careless and sloppy with the safety and techniques of his practice; knowingly placing so many lives in danger. This particular client was a 38 year old woman who was to undergo a standard wisdom teeth removal procedure with this surgeon in 2009. However, after the surgery her pain only continued to worsen over the following days. She then returned to the office and was given a prescription of antibiotics to fight off any infection that may have been causing the pain.

The pain didn't go away though, and as it continued, other symptoms appeared including a fever, rashes as well as signs demonstrating liver problems. This patient was not one of the victims who has suffered from the HIV or hepatitis exposure, though they are certainty hat something that this doctor did has led to her pain and suffering. The attorney representing this woman points back to the fact that the office was clearly known for their improper sterilization techniques, and that is likely the cause of the woman's illnesses.

Apart from the 60 victims suffering from the specific disease exposure, the attorney representing the woman share that he has sought out a number of past patients who have been treated by this doctor, and they too have suffering or are currently suffering from similar problems as his client. Though he reports that at this time no other patients (other than the hepatitis and HIV ones) plan to take legal action at this time.

Experts with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention t this time claim that they are conducting numerous studies and tests in order to learn about the diseases found in this office as well as the source of the initial infections that were on so many of the dirty needles, and likely other tools within the facility. Reports show that what led to the first inspection of the doctors facility was the positive testing of a patient for HIV as well as Hepatitis C, and the testing pointed back to the use of old needles and rusty tools. Not only that, but according to a complaint filed by the Oklahoma Board of Dentistry the dentists would pour bleach on to the patients until their wounds became white.

According to (what should be obvious) guidelines by the CDC are that all medical professionals must use clean syringes, don't use rusty tools, don't use the same syringe for more than one patient, etc. All of these requirements are widely known by medical practitioners, and yet these doctors just decided to causally overlook that minor detail. Sadly, this situation is anything but minor. Because of Harrington's actions, many lives have been endangered and so far there are at least 60 different people suffering from illnesses because of his negligent medical malpractice.

If you or someone you know is a victim of this exact situation, or a similar incident; use our site to help you find a medical malpractice attorney in your area.

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