Featured News 2013 Woman Disabled After Wrong-Side Craniotomy

Woman Disabled After Wrong-Side Craniotomy

A woman with the initials R.T. was nervous going into her craniotomy surgery, but was assured that everything would be all right. R.T. suffered from dangerous strokes and needed a left-sided craniotomy bypass surgery in order to reduce the chances of experiencing another one. The woman says she dealt with multiple strokes for five years before deciding to get the brain surgery.

She hoped that it would help her to live a healthier lifestyle without the fear that a stroke could occur at any moment. Yet her hopes of health were crushed when a negligent hospital worker marked the wrong side of her brain. As a result, R.T. received her craniotomy on the right side of her head instead of the left. This left her disabled.

The paralegal used to be capable of taking care of herself, but she is now dependent on nurses and caretakers for around the clock supervision and aid. She is no longer able to live on her own. R.T. filed a lawsuit against the SSM St. Clare Health Center in St. Louis where the surgery took place. She claims that the mistake has completely changed her life for the worse. Sources claim that the offending surgeon is a 46-year-old with the initials A.L. R.T. is suing both the surgeon and the hospital.

R.T.'s attorney says that he believes that the entire hospital is to blame. The wrong side of the head was prepped for surgery, marked, and then operated on. No one ever double checked R.T.'s medical file to make sure that they were preparing the right surgery site. The hospital's CEO and president apologized publically for the medical facility's mistake and claimed that there was a breakdown in procedures. The CEO says that the mistake should not have happened, and that the hospital will be working closely with the victim of the accident and her family to resolve the issue. The hospital is also implementing measures to fight against a similar mistake in the future.

Currently, R.T. is asking for $25,000 in addition to medical compensation. Her medical costs have not been added up yet. R.T. says that she wants compensation for the future emotional distress, anxiety and depression that the mistake has left her with. She also claims that she was disfigured from the accident. R.T. will probably end up asking for more than $25,000 in punitive damages though her attorney has determined that this will be the jurisdictional amount.

R.T.'s case proves that doctors and nurses can't always be trusted. This woman was seemingly healthy until a tragic surgery left her relying on the care of others. Serious and blatant mistakes like this one should never go unpunished. If you want more information about surgery errors, or are the victim of a medical malpractice instance and want to seek compensation, you need a nearby medical malpractice attorney to help you.

You will want to gather all evidence of medical malpractice and calculate the expenses of all medical attention associated with the mistake. You will also want to factor in the future expenses that will come from your injury, and seek additional finances for the pain and suffering that you have had to deal with as a result of the mistake. Never let a physician's blunder cost you! Medical bills can be insurmountable, and most personal bankruptcies occur when a person cannot afford to pay these costs any more. You will want an aggressive medical malpractice to help you seek a maximum settlement after a devastating accident like this one.

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