Featured News 2014 Acupuncture Malpractice

Acupuncture Malpractice

Acupuncture is an alternative form of medicine. Acupuncturists use needles to stimulate certain points on the body. These doctors believe that their needles can relieve pain and treat diseases. While acupuncture is popular as an alternative medicine, it is not always safe.

This past August, a Texas woman found herself pinned to the table after her acupuncturist forgot about her. The doctor closed up shop, leaving the victim on a treatment table with needles prickling from her body. The woman managed to pull all of the needles out by herself and then called 911.

In another acupuncture malpractice case, an acupuncturist purposefully left the needles in her patient. Later, the patient went to a traditional doctor for X-rays after complaining of severe joint pain. The doctors found hundreds of tiny gold needles in her knees. The acupuncturist who did the procedure left the needles on purpose. She says that she thought that the needles would offer sustained stimulation.

A professor of radiology at Boston University that wasn't involved in the case says that foreign bodies left inside the body can cause infection. The body will want to get rid of the foreign object. This leads to inflammation, abscesses, and infection.

Doctors say that needles from acupuncture can also cause medical complications during an MRI. If the needles move, they can damage an artery. Fox News speculates that acupuncture may not be effective. The practice is still used to treat painful joints. In Asian countries, acupuncture is a common solution for arthritis.

In the United States, it is estimated that 3.1 million U.S. adults and 150,000 children were treated with acupuncture in 2007. The Annual Report National Practitioner Data Bank reports that in the year 2003, there were 14 medical malpractice reports filed against acupuncturists in the state of California. From 1990-2004, there were a total of 39 medical malpractice claims filed against acupuncturists.

Patients may sue acupuncturists after misdiagnosis, negligent practice, or another dangerous procedure. Acupuncturists may place needles to cause unnecessary pain or strike nerves and internal organs with their needles. This can cause internal puncture wounds. Whenever you trust a doctor to perform acupuncture, you need to make sure that you can trust that physician fully.

If you are injured in an acupuncture treatment, then you can compensation from the doctor at fault. You may need to do some research. You need to find out if your acupuncturist is governed by your state medical board. It can be hard to sue individuals that are not under the state medical board's control. If you want to learn more about this, call a local medical malpractice attorney. A medical malpractice lawyer can assist you in getting the compensation that you need in your case.

With the right lawyer there to help you, you may be able to make a case against your acupuncturist and seek damages for your suffering. You will want to investigate your situation with an attorney to see if you can sue. If you have a case, you will need to prepare paperwork and call expert witnesses. These are attorneys who can attest to the fact that you have been injured and deserve to be compensated. Call a local medical malpractice lawyer today to start this process!

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