Featured News 2014 Endo International PLC Settles Transvaginal Mesh Lawsuits

Endo International PLC Settles Transvaginal Mesh Lawsuits

After being pummeled with more than 20,000 transvaginal mesh lawsuits by injured women that used the product, Endo International PLC has agreed to settle. The medical products company plans to pay $830M for the claims, which will be divided amongst all of the plaintiffs. While this massive payout may calm the storm of lawsuits, reports show that Endo still has more lawsuits to face. Bloomberg Businessweek reports that there are a still about 23,000 other cases that will not be covered by this settlement.

The settlement will cover all cases involving liability claims over the company's vaginal mesh inserts. The settlement needs to be approved by a judge before it can be implemented. While the claim may satisfy some women injured by the product, they still have the right to file a lawsuit if they suffered severe injuries or were forced to undergo multiple surgeries because of the implants. These individuals can seek additional compensation for additional pain and suffering, Sometimes plaintiffs will file with others who have experienced the same severity of injury in a collective lawsuit.

According to reports, the Endo settlement will also involve some form of a non-disclosure agreement with respect to the company and its products. Endo is also facing a separate vaginal-mesh case in West Virginia at present. Unfortunately for Endo, the settlement may even encourage more injured women to sue the company for their defective product.

The root of the problem is Endo's transvaginal mesh, which was used as a treatment for pelvic organ prolapse in women all across the United States. This ailment can cause organs to slip through the pelvic wall and into the vagina. Doctors began inserting transvaginal mash into women to hold the organs in place. Reports show that in 2010, 70,000 women were treated with this product.

It wasn't until after many of the operations had taken place that the women began suffering significant organ damage or experiencing serious pain during intercourse. The product-defect lawsuits began piling it up. Endo has not yet gone to trial over their product, and they hope that this large settlement will reduce their court appearances.

The FDA has recently announced that vaginal mesh devices must be regulated as high risk to avoid more incidents like the ones that have led to these lawsuits. They want to tighten the safety standards for mesh used to treat pelvic organ prolapse and require manufacturers to submit data proving that the devices are safe and effective before they are allowed onto the market.

Endo has not admitted liability or fault in the lawsuits. It is not the only company that is being targeted by lawsuits. Other transvaginal mesh manufacturers such as Johnson & Johnson's Ethicon unit are pending. If you are dealing with a medical product problem, don't hesitate to contact a local medical malpractice attorney to help you with your case. With the right attorney there to guide you through the process, you may be able to benefit from a mass settlement like this one, or target the manufacturer specifically and receive a settlement or verdict that way.

We have a list of medical malpractice lawyers in your area that are willing to help you by providing committed and quality representation. Don't hesitate to search right away and discuss your medical product lawsuit with a professional. Depending on your circumstances, you may also be able to sue the hospital or a doctor that made faulty choices or used a dangerous product with the knowledge that the product could cause you harm. Call the firm today for more information.

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