Featured News 2015 Pitocin Overdose & Medical Malpractice

Pitocin Overdose & Medical Malpractice

Almost every mother has heard of "pitocin," a synthetic form of the hormone oxytocin. Pitocin is frequently used in the hospital setting to induce or expedite labor and delivery. While it is a very popular drug, many laboring mothers will say that they were never advised of its potential side effects.

When pitocin is used very cautiously, it can help jumpstart a stalled labor. However, if the powerful drug is not administrated correctly, it can have serious if not life-threatening effects on the baby.

What are the risks of pitocin?

Pitocin is used during the labor process for a variety of reasons, and regardless of how useful it is, it should never be used unless it is medically necessary. Labor induction is used under the following circumstances:

  • A difficult pregnancy
  • Complications of the fetus
  • The mother has a medical condition (e.g. diabetes, uterine infection, or high blood pressure)

These are a few reasons why an obstetrician may opt for an induction. In any case, the doctor must weigh the benefits against the potential risks of inducing, which include:

  • Fetal distress (potential for brain injury)
  • Uterine rupture (can be deadly for mother and baby)
  • Placental abruption
  • Premature birth

If the nursing staff fail to carefully measure the dosage and monitor the fetus, the drug has the potential to cause a serious injury. In the past, there has been many cases where the medical staff administered pitocin and they did not react properly to the changes in the fetal heartbeat.

When fetal distress occurs, it is vital that the medical staff cease administering pitocin and in many cases, perform a cesarean section (C-section). Sadly, the failure to react quickly to fetal heartbeat irregularities, and the failure to stop the pitocin can cause permanent brain damage, or cerebral palsy.

If your child was injured due to a pitocin overdose, you should contact a medical malpractice attorney right away to learn about your legal options.

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