Featured News 2013 Medical Malpractice and the Dangers of Massage Therapy

Medical Malpractice and the Dangers of Massage Therapy

Medical malpractice can come in all shapes and forms. One of the less publicized but very real forms of medical malpractice is massage therapy. People with tight muscles, extreme amounts of stress, or those in need of physical therapy may go to a medical massage therapist for treatment. Sometimes massage therapists are recommended by your physician, or you may choose to opt for this treatment on your own. No matter what the situation, if you are injured during a massage, you may have the right to seek compensation.

According to MedicineNet, there are some obvious benefits to massage therapy. There are also some very real dangers. All massage therapists should be trained and licensed. Like doctors, unlicensed massage therapists are guilty of malpractice and can be sued for any injuries because they have not been properly trained and were misrepresenting their credentials. Sometimes even a trained massage therapist can make mistakes.

Some patients may leave the massage therapists' clinic with bruising, swelling, or pain. As well, there are times that patients may have an allergic reaction to some of the massage oils that were used. If this is the case and your reaction is severe, and you were not asked if you were allergic to any substances prior to treatment, you may be able to sue for this discomfort.

As well, there have been reports in the past of masseuses who will give vigorous massages to people with bleeding disorders or low platelet counts. It is also extremely dangerous for people taking blood thinners such as warfarin to receive vigorous massage.

If a doctor recommended that you get a massage and you were injured in the process, or if you warned the masseuse of your condition and he or she disregarded this and still gave you a painful and vigorous massage, you may have the right to seek compensation against the masseuse or the clinic as a result. You may also want to consider seeking compensation from the physicians who recommended that you get a massage knowing your condition.

It is also important that all massages are not down in any area of the body with blood clots or fractures. If you have either of these conditions or are suffering from open wounds, skin infections, or weakened bones, you should not receive a massage. If you r phsyicians still recommends massage, or you explain your condition to a massage therapist and he or she does not adjust the pressure to accommodate for you injuries, this may be a situation that could eventually lead to a lawsuit.

If you did not notify the therapist of your condition, then chances are that this will not be effective. Yet if you are able to communicate your concerns and are still injured or your conditioned is worsened, you will want to talk to a medical malpractice lawyer. Men and women suffering from weakened bones as a result of osteoporosis, cancer, or another illness should not receive massages.

Those with cancer should never receive a massage that places direct pressure on a tumor. If you are injured in this way then you can also seek compensation as a result of this. Pregnancy women should always consult a phsyicians before receiving a massage, and should specify a pregnancy massage when they go to the clinic. If the massage causes pregnancy complications, then you may deserve a settlement.

While massages are generally considered safe, there have been reports of tragic injuries in the past. Clients at massage clinics have been injured by severe burns from the heated oils and lotions, or by painful bruises and breaks after a massage. Hire a medical malpractice attorney near you immediately if you suffer painful repercussions after a medical, therapeutic massage.

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