Featured News 2013 Parents Sue NECC One Year After Incident for Child’s Death

Parents Sue NECC One Year After Incident for Child’s Death

All over America, individuals encounter unintended consequences associated with dangerous medical devices and painkillers. Many of these are announced in the news. Recently, one family chose to file a lawsuit against the New England Compounding Center, an entity that was highlighted last year for a severe error that led to a meningitis outbreak. The center discovered a rare fungus developing in vials of their distributed painkiller used to minimize back pain. Vials of the contaminated substance were injected in individuals all throughout the United States, and many of them then experienced meningitis as a result.

In this new lawsuit, a five-year-old child was treated for cancer by drugs that were created at the compounding center, and the child's mourning parents now want to seek compensation from the pharmaceutical manufacturing company.

The suit charges that the child's death was in whole or in part because of the recalled medication that was used to treat him. The parents filed a 19-page complaint in Knoxville in a U.S. District Court. The NECC provided drugs that were administered to the child shortly before his death, but the parents say that they were not aware of the fact that their child had been treated with the dangerous medications until last year on October 6th. Now, the suit charges that the child was treated with the electrolyte and methocarbomal products that are made or compounded by the New England Compounding Center. Methocarbamol is a muscle relaxant, and was one of the drugs recalled by the NECC.

Researchers at the NECC discovered fungal and bacterial contamination in some of the company's products, and this was one of the medications that was targeted. The suit is technically the first to be targeted because of drugs other than the methylprednisolone acetate that was produced by NECC. This specific drug was the one that lead to the death of 64patients from meningitis. 16 of the victims were from the state of Tennessee.

This lawsuit does not name NECC as a defendant because the firm has already filed for bankruptcy as a result of their many lawsuits, Instead, the defendants include NECC's owners by name, and the affiliated companies that are often associated with the compounding center. These companies are Ameridose LLC and Medical Sales Management.

The lawsuit is one of several that have been filed at the one-year anniversary of the terrible outbreak that caused so many injuries and deaths. The states product and health-care liability laws require that claims are filed within one year of the time that victims become aware of possible liability. This means that all the individuals who have been harmed by the NECC drugs are slowly coming to the end of the opportunity to file for a lawsuit against this company.

Also recently, the NECC's owners received lawsuits from patients that were treated with the spinal steroid created by NECC at the Saint Thomas Outpatient Neurosurgical Center. If you have been injured after taking or being treated with a defective, recalled, or dangerous pharmaceutical drug, then you need to contact an attorney promptly and get legal assistance in seeking compensation.

Often a pharmaceutical company that makes a serious mistake can be held liable for their errors. Use this directory to locate a medical malpractice lawyer near you who can represent you in a claim against the company. Also, don't hesitate to hire a medical malpractice lawyer if you have been the victim of a misdiagnosis or of a doctor's negligence. If you want to learn more about lawsuits of this nature, then you will want to contact a local attorney and begin to discuss your options.

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