Featured News 2014 Choosing the Best Medical Malpractice Attorney

Choosing the Best Medical Malpractice Attorney

Medical malpractice lawsuits are not only extremely emotional, but also extremely complicated. Attorneys that specialize in this field must be well-versed in the law and have a solid degree of medical understanding that can help them identify when something is not right. There are many legal papers that must be filed, expert witnesses to testify on the patient's behalf, and interviews to be completed with those that contributed to medical care. For your medical malpractice lawsuit, you need an attorney that will be able to accomplish all of these things.

Pick an Attorney That Will Best Fit Your Case

The first step is to find attorneys in your area that focus on medical malpractice. The directory is a good place to begin.

Once you have determined what lawyers are in your area, check to see if:

  • The law firm specializes in medical malpractice suits and what other types of law they practice
  • The firm primarily represents patients or medical professionals
  • The attorney has been involved in any known cases
  • The law firm has received any awards and accolades
  • The lawyer has references from other cases they have handled
  • A high percentage of cases are medical malpractice lawsuits
  • They have experience with and have won cases similar to yours

Many medical malpractice attorneys will accept a case on a contingency fee, meaning that they will only receive payment if they win your case, and they will take their earnings from a portion of your settlement. Most of these attorneys will pay the expenses related to the case out of pocket and then take a third of the settlement or what is allowed by state law. Attorneys that agree to take your case but then requires a fee up-front should be approached with caution since they may not believe you have a valid lawsuit.

If the attorney is willing to take your case, then be prepared to bring all the details and evidence of the case to their office and begin discussing a plan of action to move forward. Be sure that you are comfortable with the plan your attorney is laying forth. If they are seeking to settle the case and you are not comfortable with this, then you may think about choosing a lawyer that will respect your decision.

No matter what, you need to have a medical malpractice attorney that you feel is fighting the case with your best interests in mind. While many may be in your area, not all of them will be right for your case. Research your options and choose the best fit for the outcome of your case.

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