Featured News 2014 Thousands Suing Over Medtronic Infuse Bone Graft Products

Thousands Suing Over Medtronic Infuse Bone Graft Products

According to Lawyers and Settlements, over 1,000 patients have sued Medtronic over their Infuse bone graft product. Many phsyicians have been using or recommending the use of the product off-label. Attorneys suspect that there will be even more Medtronic lawsuits in the near future. Investigations in the past have shown that Medtronic paid doctors millions of dollars in royalties for some of their other spine products. The U.S. Senate Committee on Finances conducted an investigation into Medtronic's practices several years ago and discovered that Medtronic may have been paying some physicians and medical researchers to favor the products even if they weren't completely sound.

One investigation revealed that Medtronic paid $210 million to a group of 13 doctors and two corporations with thee hopes that this would help to support their product. Interestingly enough, unfunded research into Medtronic products discovered that the Infuse bone graft product does not offer any benefits over a conventional spine surgery. Instead, one research effort revealed that the Infuse may lead to cancer or that it could lead to a complication that causes sterility in men. The product can also cause the growth of unwanted bone in the spinal area.

Medtronic is still denying that any of the health complications affiliated with their product are true, and claims that they still want to do more research and scrutinize their product. Currently, there are about 700 lawsuits filed by about 1,000 plaintiffs regarding complications with the Medtronic Infuse product. There are more lawsuits, both collective and individual, expected in the near future.

Last month, a Minnesota judge ruled that one case against Medtronic can proceed to trial. In this case, a patient claims that the Infuse injured him and wants to sue the company for fraud and misrepresentation. In Florida, a federal judge recently remanded a case claiming that Medtronic did marketed the Infuse for off-label uses, which resulted in injuries. Another lawsuit in California claims that an Infuse plaintiff deserves compensation based on product liability. This plaintiff argues that Medtronic has been used off-label and that individuals have been exposed to serious risks as a result. Another patient is suing in a U.S. District Court, claiming that the Infuse injured her seriously, and that she deserves medical compensation.

When it comes to medical products such as the Infuse bone graft, it is important to talk with a skilled medical malpractice attorney. You may want to approach your case as a medical malpractice issue, especially if a doctor used the Infuse and did not properly warn you of the risks. There are times where it may be more effective for you to sue for product liability, aiming your lawsuit specifically at Medtronic, which created and marketed this dangerous product. If you want more information about medical device lawsuits, use this directory to locate a medical malpractice lawyer near you!

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